WoodenBoat Magazine, from which grew the WoodenBoat School, is the veritable bible of the craft, history, and trade of traditional wooden boatbuilding.
WoodenBoat Magazine, from which grew the WoodenBoat School, is the veritable bible of the craft, history, and trade of traditional wooden boatbuilding.
Rocking the Boat has continually received requests from people eager to see something like it come to their own communities. And as proud as we are that numerous small organizations around the country credit Rocking the Boat as their founding inspiration, there hasn’t been an actual replication…until now.
“Rocking the Boat raised me! So, if it’s going to grow, I want to be a part of that.” - Alizette, Sail Central Park Crew Member
As far back as they can remember, sisters Jaylene and Jazlene were dead set on joining Rocking the Boat’s afterschool program, just as soon as they reached high school.
Beyond helping participants master the skills of handling small sailboats, the Sailing Program has begun efforts to give every apprentice the chance to
rocking the boat
812 edgewater road
bronx, ny 10474
phone: 718.466.5799